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Category: Pros & Cons

Pros and Cons of Grinding Weed
In the intricate world of cannabis consumption, the technique and preparation that go into using the plant can make a significant difference in your experience. One of the essential steps many consider is grinding weed, but is it always beneficial? Our article delves into the pros and cons of grinding your cannabis, from achieving a ... Read more

Blunts vs Joints Pros and Cons
The blunts vs joints pros and cons debate has been going on since the cannabis industry first saw both of these forms of smoking weed. And if you’re like most people then it’s almost a given that you have a preferred method to use. But it might be time to ask yourself what that opinion’s ... Read more

Are Hemp Wicks Good For Candles?
Yes absolutely! End of article 😛 Ok let’s explain a little more on why hemp wicks are good for candles. Firstly…What are they? Hemp wicks are very simple, they are hemp fibers made into a twine which is then coated in beeswax. If you want to know more about what is a hemp wick just read ... Read more

8 Benefits of Hemp Wick
Hemp wicks are growing in popularity because of their many benefits, not only for smoking but also for other practical uses. Before we get into all the advantages of using a hemp wick, let’s quickly cover what they are exactly. Firstly, What Is It Anyway? A hemp wick is a specially crafted twine made from ... Read more
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